If you live in Texas and have between 5 and 20 acres, you could be eligible to qualify for an Ag valuation for your property for having honeybees.
Our service areas:
- Tarrant County
- Denton County
- Cooke County
- Montague County
Please note that in most counties you will need to have a minimum of 6 acres if there is a home on the property, and you also need to have agricultural activities occurring on your land for a minimum of 5 years before you can qualify for the ag valuation. We strongly recommend that you call your county tax office to ensure that your property will qualify for this valuation with bees.
Benefits include:
- Professional management and maintenance of beehives on your property
- Registration through the Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS)
- Pollination for your property
Contributing to the welfare of the honeybees - Qualifying requirements for Lieber Honey include:
The site must be suitable for bees and provide the necessary elements for bees to thrive. A complimentary site visit will be scheduled for all prospective clients.
Lieber Honey must have unrestricted access to the location of the hives at all times.
A vehicle must be able to access the area where the hives are located and park no further than 20 yards from the hives’ location.
Lieber Honey reserves the rights of ownership to the bees, the equipment, and the products of the hives.